Tuesday, September 18, 2012

M.B. - The Willing of the Wisps

I'm so proud to see this album released in such a beautiful format. My good chum and fellow Winner, Mike Bruno and I recorded this batch of songs last summer. In my opinion, this is Mike, a wonderful talent at his best to date.

Recorded August / September @ the Dreamcastle, direct to Yamaha MT-50 four track cassette recorder.

You can listen to the full album here : http://mikebruno.bandcamp.com/releases and you can get a copy from http://hautemagie.com/.

Listen carefully, relax as you will and really let this album brew and stew as a complete thought. It's truly a unique and inspiring experience.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rag aint dead

VOL 1 Reprints

Hiatus comes to a close / An appreciated return to the work force.

Get submissions for VOL 2 into loveragintern@gmail.com now.

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(the fuck of it told me so)
(round 2, better yet----closer to round 3....)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My girls the real deal. Check her out - http://kendonphotography.com/

Audio / Visual collaboration in the works, stay tuned in and drop out with us.
As the rich need the poor,
As some boats, as the shore,
It must take such luck,

to know its all in flux.

Oh, mornings are the hardest part of the day to get through.